Entrepreneurs in the Industry
Glion undergraduate and postgraduate programs provide aspiring entrepreneurs with strong foundations in business, finance, problem-solving and leadership. Grounded in experiential learning and the real world, they are the perfect preparation for launching your own successful startup.

Thibault Catala
Grad year: 2012
Course: BBA
Nationality: French
Current position: Founder & CEO, Catala Consulting; Founder, Thibault Catala; Advisor, Katanox

Elbia Eddaikra
Grad year: 2009
Course: BBA
Nationality: French
Current position: Founder of Be Essential Club

Vicky Elliot
Grad year: 1992
Course: BBA
Nationality: British
Current position: Managing Director at Loyalty Lab

Frédéric Frère
Grad year: 1983
Course: Diploma
Nationality: Belgian
Current position: Co-Founder & Group Leader of TRAVELSTORE

Ronald Homsy
Grad year: 1997
Course: BBA
Nationality: Lebanese
Current position: Founder & CEO of Aventra Hospitality

Clément Jacquel
Grad year: 2004
Course: BBA
Nationality: French
Current position: Co-Founder of Croque Restaurant Hong Kong

Maria Kartika
Grad year: 2011 & 2013
Course: BBA & MBA
Nationality: Indonesian
Current position: Co-Founder of Ante Merediem

Michelle Keyrouz
Grad year: 2008
Course: BBA
Nationality: Lebanese
Current position: Company Director at The MerryMakers

Louise Lisztman
Grad year: 2014
Course: BBA
Nationality: French and Israeli
Current position: Founder and Director of Dead Sea Dream

Emilio Andres Lopez Rodea
Grad year: 2017
Course: MBA
Nationality: Mexican
Current position: Co-Founder of Câremi.mx

Love Mansukhani
Grad year: 2003
Course: BBA
Nationality: Indian
Current position: Founder & Managing Director of Ribbon Consulting

Sophia Mounib
Grad year: 2012
Course: BBA
Nationality: Moroccan
Current position: Founder & Managing Partner of Talent Advisor; Founder of Talent & Hospitality Connect

Ngoc Nguyen
Grad year: 2011
Course: BBA
Nationality: Vietnamese
Current position: Founder & CEO of LIVEN Technology PTE. LTD

Roger Obeid
Grad year: 1978
Course: Diploma
Nationality: Lebanese
Current position: Founder & General Manager of ORHC Hospitality Consultants

Sacha Prost
Grad year: 2013
Course: BBA
Nationality: French
Current position: Co-Founder and CEO of 8JS; Founder and Managing Director of Opallia

Jacqueline Sulistyo
Grad year: 2016
Course: PGD
Nationality: Indonesian
Current position: Founder and CEO of Pawprints Indonesia

Pei Zhai
Grad year: 2004
Course: Associate Degree
Nationality: Chinese
Current position: CEO at Tina Med